Here at RK English School, we teach natural, practical English using our bilingual skills and original teaching methods in order to share with everyone that English is not a boring school subject for passing tests but is actually a tool for broadening one’s possibilities.
We consider English education as entertainment rather than as traditional rote learning. If studying seems meaningless and unengaging, it becomes nothing but torture. On the contrary, when people find their learning experience fun and entertaining, they will absorb it like a sponge.
We shall strive to help students harness their own power to reach their wildest dreams; indeed, to go big and bold with their goals while never forgetting to enjoy ourselves.
Ultimately, we are here to create a harmonious universe for future generations to succeed without cultural and language barriers. Peace.
Be amazed at your potential.
RK English Schoolでは、英語はテストのための退屈な一教科ではなく、己の可能性を広げるためのツールであるということを広く共有すべく、学校のオリジナル教育メソッドと教員のバイリンガルスキルを使い、自然で実用的な英語を教えます。