“アールケイイングリッシュ” は、カナダ生まれ、複数の語学書の著者であり、大学教授でもあるリチャード川口が「なんだか難しくてつまらない英語」をぶっ壊し、実用的なネイティブ英語を世に広めるためのサービスです!
“RK English” is designed by Richard Kawaguchi, who is Japanese Canadian, a best-selling author of numerous English learning books and also a professor at 2 universities, to introduce Japanese people to fun and practical English.
“What one likes,
one will do well.”
This is exactly what you need when it comes to learning a new language.
Please check out our wide range of services including the establishment of our English language school to make learners love English!
Click on the links below for more detailed information!
RK English全般について:
RK English代表、リチャード川口について:
株式会社RK Englishについて: